Saturday, April 21, 2007

Random pics!

Sage's opinion of panty hose!

OK so I wrote her name on the top and she copied it on the bottom. Pretty good huh!
It's hard being a princess.

Almost Baby Time!!!

For those of you who like to keep up with the absolutely freakish changes of the pregnant woman's body here you go. With only seven days till the "EDD" estimated due date things are looking a little round.

This first pic is in honor of my mom who is horrified that the midwives will let me mow the yard. But don't worry mom that was taken a few weeks ago and I haven't touched it since. But come this saturday it's MOW TIME!!!
These pics were taken 1 week ago at our baby shower at church. We are fertile bunch! The girl to my right is due two weeks after us and she is having a girl. The girl to my left is due two days before me and she is having a boy.
My friend Kellen's favorite way of greeting me at church on Sunday's is with the traditional "Belly Bump" Everyone is taking bets on who will go first me or her. We shall see. We'll keep you posted!!! I had an appointment this week and the midwife said in her professional opinion she didn't think I would be late. Unfortunately her professional opinion has nothing to do with the opinion of my son and how comfy he is but we will see who is right soon enough!

Monday, April 9, 2007

Easter and More!

Silly Sage Learns to Armpit Fart!

For those of you who live here yes those are the Pastor's kids teaching Sage how to armpit fart! Gotta love that peer influence!

Spring Break at the Benfields!

Well we were able to get away for a few days over spring break and we went to Kennewick, WA to visit our friends the Benfields. It was a great trip, unfortunately the weather was pretty comparable to Monmouth. On our way home we were about 1 mile out of town and we pulled over on the side of the road to fix something for Sage and a passing 18 wheeler kicked up a rock and blew out our back windshield so we went ahead and stayed another night and had it fixed there in town.

Suzanne and I got crafty and made these pretty little Easter Egg Garlands. I got mine all the way home and was about to put it on my mantle before I dropped it and cracked some of the eggs. Isn't that the luck!