Thursday, December 4, 2008

Thanksgiving and X-mas fun.

Here was our thanksgiving feast. Von's brother's brother-in-law Zack came down for the weekend and joined us.
We put up our little tree and Sage was the photographer.
Everyone had a hand in decorating...
Malachi has definatley spent more time pulling things off than he has putting them on, but it's too cute to stop ....yet!
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Thanksgiving Preperations!

Sage is making cornbread for the dressing. She love's to help in the kitchen. Anytime I'm cooking she's asking if she can help cook too!
So hopefully we can train Malachi to clean up after us someday. He love's playing with the dishes in the sink so maybe there's a chance!
This is his favorite spot to perch, right in the middle of the table!

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Wednesday, December 3, 2008