Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Update on Life

Well I often post pictures but usually don't take the time to update much about life these days. So here is a little blurb. As many of you know we are building a house next door to the house we live in now. It is such an amazing blessing in the making and I can't wait for it to be finished but in the meantime it is tough! Von is working long and hard hours on that house as well as campus ministry and finishing up some classes. To say the least he has been stretched thin.

We just celebrated our 7th anniversary this last weekend and it was awesome! We went to a great hotel in Portland thanks to our friends Freddie and Shelly who watched our kids for us, and we both had a massage and pedicure! Yes Von even got a pedicure complete with nail polish! He of course picked a manly green with slight sparkles. It was the most fun we've had in forever!

Sage and Malachi are doing great. Sage is turning five next week, my how time flies! Malachi will be two in May. Sage has started her math curriculum which is the first part of her official homeschooling adventure. Three days a week we are doing a lesson out of her new math curriculum and she will start on her reading/spelling curriculum sometime in the next few months. My theory is if we start slowly introducing the concept of a homeschooling schedule then it won't be as much of a shock. She seems to be really receptive when I say it's time for math. I think she will be the easy one that's for sure. She is a really fast learner and soaks things up like a sponge. I'm sure it will be a learning process for all of us!

Malachi is hysterical and loud, and kinda bossy really....hmmm yah gotta work on that. But he is talking up a storm, and loves his sister, "most of the time" and wants her to watch his every trick and move. I'm a little nervous about how he will be around the baby. He's just such a rough and tumble boy....we shall see.

All is well in Monmouth we'll keep you posted!